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Mesimvria – Zoni Archeological Site


The double name of the site is due to the fact that when the digging began, the location was widely known as Mesimvria, but the latest excavation data have lead to the conclusion that it is probably Zoni.

Zoni is referred to in the sources as a Samothrace colony. The city reached its prime during the 5th and 4th century. During the Macedonian and later the Roman domination, following the creation of terrestrial roads, it’s downhill for Zoni. The decline for Zoni begins.

The ongoing excavations commenced in 1966. A fortified wall with residential clusters has been found so far.

Significant monuments

The Sanctuary dedicated to Demeter
A small construction, 1.50x7.50 m, made with white, beautifully crafted marble. Inside, silver, gold, silver and gold-plated tiles were found with embossed illustrations relevant to the worship of Demeter. 4th century BC.

The Sanctuary dedicated to Apollo
It is a rectangular-shaped building, 9x15 m. A hallway, an alcove and a shelf are intact. It belongs to a building complex with dimensions 35x45 m that has a central tiled yard encompassed by an arcade. Amongst others, a great number of fragments with etched inscriptions of the 6th and 5th century pottery were found.

The Building Complex
In three of the rooms several amphorae were found. In the middle, the amphorae with the nozzle to the ground are believed to have been used for drainage purposes ( 6th-5th century BC).
The only gate in the west part of the Wall
A two-phased shelf is saved
Part of the western wall with lesbian moulding
Part of the western wall and remnants of two tower

Contact details
Town: Dikella, Evros region
Phone number: 25510-96214
Opening Hours
From the 15th of June to 31st of October 
Daily: 08:30-15:00

Mesimvria – Zoni Archeological Site Mesimvria – Zoni Archeological Site Mesimvria – Zoni Archeological Site
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